Sandman: ‘Preludes & Nocturnes’ Part 2

Previously: Sandman: ‘Preludes & Nocturnes’ The Sleep of the Just

Imperfect Hosts is the second part of Preludes & Nocturnes. It tells of Dream’s journey back into the Dreaming.

The Dreaming is the realm that Dream rules over. It is a vast realm, encompassing all that was dreamed, is dreamt, and will be dreamt. At the heart of the Dreaming is Dream’s castle, with a path winding around the Dreaming leading towards it. Continue reading

The One Ring

So, anyone who’s heard of Lord of the Rings has heard of the One Ring/Sauron’s Ring.

Sauron’s Ring. My precious…

Anyways, a fun fact: the Ring is likely based on Anduinvarat, a ring described in Scandinavian mythology to be a cursed ring, said to bring great wealth to the bearer, but always at a price.

The mischevious frost giant Loki gave the ring to the father of a family as payment for accidentally killing their son. However, one of the other sons killed the father, stealing the ring and fleeing to a distant land, where he amassed a great hoard of gold and turned into a dragon.

Well, there’s another fact you’re not interested in!

Sandman: ‘Preludes & Nocturnes’ Part 1

I’ll admit this first – I read Sandman out of order. (I read Volume 7, 3, 9, 8, 1, 2, 4, 6, 10, and 5). Looking back on it, I wish I could have read it in order. Even though it is possible to do otherwise, I really wouldn’t recommend it. Sandman isn’t rigorously based on continuity, but the experience is greatly enhanced by it.

Cover for vol.1, Sandman

Preludes & Nocturnes Trade Paperback Cover

Now onto the book. Continue reading

Sandman – To Come!

Well, having acquired all of the ‘Sandman’ comics, I’ve decided I’m going to do an issue-by-issue readthrough, recap and commentary.

For those of you who don’t know, Sandman is a really awesome comic series written by Neil Gaiman. It follows ‘Dream’, one of seven people in a highly dysfunctional family of god-like deities. Even though I really don’t like DC comics all that much, Sandman is a very unique comic – effectively using the comic book medium to deliver a unique blend of horror.

Anyways, next up: Sandman: ‘Preludes & Nocturnes’ The Sleep of the Just